Four weeks ago our beautiful Quinn was born. The labor was nothing like we thought it would be, but when is it ever? It was a long labor. I thought it would never end. There seriously was this irrational thought that I would never meet the child I had felt but never seen. It all started around 2:30am, May 17th, honestly the only day we preferred not to be in labor on as it was the day J was supposed to walk with the rest of his graduating class and receive his bachelor of arts diploma. I labored all day. Quinn was positioned head down, but her face was pointed up and lodged against my pelvic bone which caused severe back pain as labor progressed. I was dilated to 9.5cm in the middle of the night but she still was not coming. All my wishes for a natural birth slowly but surely walked out the room and by early morning I was asking for an epidural. Thank God for modern medicine! Rest was just what I needed to gain strength, though it took hours of blind pushing (I couldn't feel anything because of the epidural, so my support team had to tell me when to push) before they finally suggested a vacuum suction to Quinn's head to help pull her out. If this had not worked, I would have had to go in for an emergency C-section. Thankfully, it did work and Quinn was born at 1:15pm, May 18. At 8 pounds 4 ounces and 21 inches long, she was still so incredibly tiny! She was more beautiful than I could have imagined and definitely worth the wait!

I am in awe of the way my husband is growing into fatherhood and incredibly blessed by his servant's heart. Seeing him with our daughter makes me so proud to be his wife. He still talks about how traumatizing it was to watch me go through labor!

Quinn has grown so much in the last four weeks and I am so thankful for her and how she has changed me. Motherhood is amazing.
