I meant to take my camera on my walk today, but alas, my pregnant brain forgets numerous things and this was added to the ever enlarging list. But the seasons are changing beautifully from winter to spring and I captured some of that with my phone camera. The flowers are blooming, the trees are blossoming, and the grass is yet again green and bright.

I am so excited for May to be my firstborn's birth month. It is a season of new growth, bright colors, and fresh opportunities. During my whole pregnancy, especially the middle section when I was sick and working full time (end of first trimester) or aching/faint and working full time (second/third trimester), my constant prayer was "Lord, sustain me." (I wonder if there a name that has that or a similar meaning...) He has. He has been so faithful and I think this month is so exciting because we will finally see the fruit of all those hard months of painful growth. A woman's body is created in such a way that while she is pregnant and even breastfeeding, the child is drawing the entirety of his nutrients from his mothers body even to the point of depleting the mother's supply of nutrients in order that the baby remain well fed and thriving. Therefore, even if the mother's diet is not healthy, as long as she is not starving, the baby will continue to draw from her, leaving the mother even more nutrient deficient or lacking in certain areas. That is why it is so important to have an extra healthy diet while pregnant and why so often mothers will get cavities or have other health issues during pregnancy. I learned more about that recently and it blows me away. Creation is amazing. Humans are spectacular.
