The very reason I moved to MN is now moving half way around the world from me. The woman I have always looked up to. The girl I loved and hated all at once. The sister I couldn't always figure out but always wanted to be like.

Maybe our relationship wasn't great before, when I saw you more as a sister and less as a friend. When our days were spent in competition against each other instead of fighting for each other.
But now, everything is different.

My first year in Minneapolis we did more bonding than we ever had before. Remember all those walks we took? When we would share each other's burdens, remind each other of the true treasure of our hearts? Distract each other from hard times at school and from annoying boy troubles. Although I don't remember every detail of each conversation, I will always remember the how much each conversation meant to me. It was that freshman year that I started being able to talk to you more as a friend than just a sister. We were on equal ground.

And that was just the beginning. Since then it's been four years. We've both gone through so much, both together and separately. You were always there for me when I needed you, and for the last year you even lived right across the hall from me. I've almost grown to depend on you. To take for granted that you'll always be there.
But now you're gone.

I walk up the stairway every day and see the pile of things in the hall that I still need to sort through, things you had to leave when you moved. I don't want to deal with them because I don't want to deal with the fact that you left.
I miss you so much. And I love you so much. You have become my closest friend next to my husband.
Hannah, I truly support you and T and your decision to move, but boy do I miss you. Hurry home soon!
