I don't know what it's like to be a mother yet. I don't know what labor will look like. I'm still waiting. It seems to take so long. I'm trying to stay active and to keep doing things to remain preoccupied, but when the nights are long, the days are long too. I know also that when baby is here I will wish for these quiet days again.
So for now, I'll try to enjoy them.
I'm walking a lot. It's fun to be in the city during the peek of evening rush traffic when everyone is bustling to get home. Having no need to get anywhere quickly, and quite frankly not being able to because of my current very large frame, I am passed on all sides by the people who can't wait to be home.
My room is now ready for our little one to arrive. We don't have much and are still figuring out how to organize things, but at least we have the bed set up. She has a place to sleep, if she decides to do much of that.

Child, we long to see you. We long to hold and kiss you. We long to give you a name. We long to be your parents. But all in God's timing. And if he wills. For now, we wait.